State Grid Hunan
The State Grid Hunan Electric Power Building successfully applies CommScope technology to provide electricity for millions of users

Communications, power dispatch and data network systems are factors critical to State Grid Hunan’s ability to deliver reliable power supply to its commercial and residential customers. To stay ahead of growing demand, the company decided to build a new, state-of-the-art dispatching and communication building.
The company turned to its trusted longtime partner CommScope to deliver an advanced cabling solution that will serve its needs for the next 12–15 years. State Grid Hunan has seen excellent results from prior CommScope cabling solutions that have passed real-world tests for long-term reliability and stability.
CommScope’s provided a comprehensive SYSTIMAX cabling solution, including category 6 copper cable, 10 Gigabit multimode 300 and 550 cables, TerSPEED singlemode cable and InstaPATCH Plus MPO preterminated cable. This solution helped the State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company to enhance their security, reliability and ability to meet the demands in future.
Company fast facts
- State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company is a large, state-owned energy supplier in Chine
- Provides electric power to the Hunan provided
- To meet growing demand, a major electric utility turned to CommScope for a stable, reliable, flexible cabling solution capable of powering the communications, dispatch and network systems that keep the grid up and running.
- SYSTIMAX cabling solution
- TerSPEED singlemode cable
- InstaPATCH Plus MPO preterminated cable
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