Cosmo Lady
Warehousing and logistics improve hugely with 802.11ac Wave 2 Deployment

Cosmo Lady is one of China’s leading providers of ‘fast fashion.’ With around 8,000 outlets across the country, its principal task is to make sure the goods customers want to buy are in the right stores at the right time. As such, Cosmo’s headquarters and warehouse rely heavily on Wi-Fi connections to ensure that goods are processed properly.
The Challenges
Along with other companies in the fashion industry, Cosmo Lady’s profit margins are under continual pressure. It is vital that fashion pieces are processed through warehouses as efficiently as possible so they can be in the shops at the right moment for customers to buy them. This requires first-class logistics and substantial IT investment. That includes Wi-Fi.
At Cosmo Lady’s Fumin Logistics Park, the previous Wi-Fi installation was causing problems. The amount of goods moving around the warehouse is always high, which presents a challenge to most wireless access points (APs). Such APs simply beam out a signal around 360 degrees, which results in their signals being disrupted if they encounter obstacles such as moving clothing.
- Reliable Wi-Fi in very challenging indoor environments, such as a high-activity clothing warehouse
- Wireless access for up to 2,000 devices per day, some of which use significant bandwidth
- A replacement for an older, unreliable wireless network
- Installed approximately 400 Wireless and 802.11ac Wave 2 RUCKUS® access points, together with 3 ZoneDirector controllers
- A significant boost to logistical efficiency in the warehouse
- Reliable wireless connections for staff so they can work more quickly
- Support for Cosmo Lady’s marketing events, which has enhanced the brand’s online following